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Cluster memory
Power Pong 3000
is the only robot on the world which makes possible to save a range of (max. 32
rallies) different rallies and to play those automatically with short break between or in a random way like on
a match. The robot can store and play 10 clusters which can contain each max. 32 rallies.
Filling up the Cluster memory
Practically the Cluster makes possible to create groups of the rallies saved in the Basic memory.
Therefore if you change such a program saved in the Basic memory which you’ve put already in
the Cluster, then there will be change also in the Cluster.
You get in the Base memory with pushing once the
button (the “Base” lamp lights, and there
is “00” on the display)
You have to choose with the help of the step ( ” , “)buttons that program from the Base memory
which one you want to “copy” into the Cluster
Pushing second time the “
button you can get into the Cluster memory (the “Clust.” LED starts
lighting and the C0 sign appears on the display.) C0 is the first from the 10 pcs
(C0 – C9) Cluster memories.
With buttons , you have to choose in which Cluster you want to put the rallies chosen in the
2. point.
Pushing third time the “
button, both memory LED-s light up. This shows that you want to
make an operation between the two memories. With the steps you can choose the cluster place where
you want to save the base program chosen in the 2. point. Now you can save with button “Save”, and
the flashing of the cell will become continuous. (In order that the cells of the cluster to be distinguished
from the ones of the cells of the Base memory. (The cluster cells are signed with number-dot-number-
dot, for example: the 23. cell is signed with 2.3.).
You can get back to the Base memory with pushing again the “
and the procedure is repeated
from point 2.
If you want to check what is in the Cluster, then you simply start the play when both memory LED-s
light, but in such case those start to flash (the play is going on) (you can see on the display the cluster
cell that is played, and on the control panel is shown the program.)
Tip: (Simplified filling up of the Cluster) If you have chosen the wanted group as it is described
in point 4., and you push the „Save” button , then the robot saves the rally on the first empty
place of the chosen cluster, and the filling can be continued with pushing the “Mem.t.” button
as it stands in the 1. point.
Play from CLUSTER memory
You can get into Cluster memory with pushing two times the “
button (the Clust. LED lights, and
“C0” appears on the display). You search the wanted cluster with the right-left step buttons and you can
start the play. (Clust. LED starts to flash, the played cluster cell can be seen on the display, and the excer-
cise appears on the control panel.)
The robot plays from the beginning the rallies found in the Cluster (in the growing order of the numbers of
the there saved rallies). The robot leaves out those cells - if there exist such - where it is no program.
(Maybe the user has left out cells in order to fill up those later.) The robot plays the rallies continuously, so
this way you can create very long rallies containing different type balls.