Confirm correct COM port selected.
Confirm status as “Connected” on sync software.
Confirm file to be sent is selected on sync software.
Golf course files cannot be saved to computer from the Neo.
Confirm the USB cable is connected to the Neo.
Confirm the Neo Sync software was installed correctly. Remove and
reinstall the USB driver and Sync application if necessary.
Confirm the correct COM port is selected (check “Settings” in Sync app).
Confirm status as “Connected” on Sync software.
No golf course files are available to transfer in Sync application.
Check “Settings” in Sync application to view the file save location. The
default location is C:\My Documents\Bushnell.
Perform a search for the file using the search feature on your computer.
Saved golf course files cannot be located on computer.
Check “Settings” in Sync application to view the file save location. The
default location is C:\My Documents\Bushnell.
Perform a search for the file using the search feature on your computer.
No more golf course files can be transferred to the Neo.
Delete unused files from the Neo to make room for new files.
Be sure that files deleted from the Neo are safely saved on your
computer before confirming deletion.
Approximately ten (10) courses can be stored on your Neo.
Troubleshooting Problems