of 175
7.2.2 The curve is to be written
Query the curve index of the last point in the corresponding slot/index (e.g. 63/22,
68/22, 84/11, 84/12).
The coordinate group that is to be written to is selected (e.g. 0 for values 0 ... 199)
through a write access to index 19.
It is now possible to write the curve values no. 0 ... 199 to indices 20 ... 219.
The coordinate group that is to be written to is selected (e.g. 1 for values 200 ...
399) through a write access to index 19.
It is now possible to write curve values no. 200 ... 399 to indices 20 ... 219, and so
After the whole curve has been written, the number of the last curve value
(number of coordinates -1) must now be written to index 11. This starts
transmission to the main processor.