Elite User Manual
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1 Summary
1.1 Brief Introduct ion
Recei ptNOW
Elite is a high-perform ance therm al printer w hich can be integrated w ith the
Burroughs Sm artSource
Eli te check scanner to save desk space. It can b e used for a w ide
range of financi al tr ansactions to print r eceipts, notes , vouchers ,financi al slips and transaction
list printi ng.
Recei ptNOW
Elite uses front-end paper exit, drop-in p aper repl acem ent, and provides a
custom support platform for Sm artSource
El ite scanners. The
Eli te detects
print-head-in-place, out of paper, p aper l ow, and l ow supply vol tage conditi ons . The standard
data i nterface is U SB 2.0. It support s Standar d Font A ( 12 × 24), F ont B (9 × 17), Kanji F ont A (24
× 24) , Thai , Sim plified Chi nese, Korean and other l anguag es , supports m ultiple code pag es to
print, one-dim ensi onal bar code : UPC-A, U PC-E, CODE 39, CODE 93, CODE 128, EAN8,
EAN13, ITF, CODABAR ; tw o-dim ensi onal b ar codes : PDF417, QR-COD E; usi ng ESC / POS
comm and set, autom atic state retur n. W ith the user Custom Sam ple function, users can set print
form at and fix content of printing b y firmw are setti ngs. P aper w idth can be set i n a r ow,
com patible w ith EPSON TM-88IV.
1.2 Main F eatures
Quiet, high-sp eed printing
Supports tw o-tone printi ng, w aterm ark and gr ay l evel printi ng
Easy, dr op-in pap er loading
Easy to use and m aintain
Paper w idth can be adjusted from 56-82.5mm
Supports full cut and parti al cut
USB 2.0 i nterface /Ethernet interface ( opti onal)
Com patible w ith ESC / POS comm ands or W indow s Print
Low pow er consum ption desig n (m inim um pow er consum ption less than 1W ) . Autom ati call y
defaults to ‘sleep’ mode after 5 minutes of inactivity.