1. Open the door and place the NORMAL/PROGRAM/RINSE switch in the PROGRAM position.
2. Use the Large Cup button to scroll to the SET BEVEREGE SZ screen, and press the button under “YES”.
3. Use the Large Cup button to access the beverage you wish to modify.
4. Under the beverage name, use the buttons under (-) and (+) to modify the dispense time for that beverage.
5. Press the LARGE CUP BUTTON after the time has been adjusted.
6. Place the NORMAL/PROGRAM/RINSE Switch in the NORMAL position, and press the center button to exit the
program mode.
The powder throw for the powder products is pre-set from the factory. It can be checked and adjusted in
the field using this adjustment procedure.
1. Open the door and place the NORMAL/PROGRAM/RINSE switch in the PROGRAM position.
2. Remove the mixing chamber below the left hopper outlet elbow.
3. Press the Large Cup button until “STRENGTH ADJ?” menu, and press the button under “YES”.
4. The display will read LEFT HOPPER STR, referring to the left or hopper 1.
5. Press the Large Cup button to TEST LEFT HOPPER menu.
6. Tare a small cup on the digital scale, then hold the cup under the hopper outlet elbow, and press the espresso
7. The hopper will dispense powder product into the cup for 10 seconds, then automatically stop.
8. Set the first dispense aside, and repeat steps six and seven.
9. Dispense powder into the cup three times, then weigh cup contents. Divide by three to determine avarage weight.
10. Repeat the process two more times, and average the three results to determine throw weight of the powder product.
11. To determine throw rate, divide average by 10 to determine the grams or ounces per second being dispensed.
12. To adjust hopper throw rate, press the Small Cup button and the screen will read LEFT HOPPER STR. Use the
buttons under the (-) or (+) to decrease or increase the hopper speed, as required.
13. Press the Large Cup button to TEST LEFT HOPPER menu, and retest the adjustment.
14. After hopper 1 is checked and adjusted, use the Large Cup button to move to MDLE HOPPER TEST. Remove the
right mixing chamber, and repeat steps 6 though 11 to test and adjust the middle, or second hopper.
15. Use the Small Cup button to move to “POWDER STRNGTH 2” screen to adjust speed for hopper 2, if required.
16. After hopper 2 is checked and adjusted, use the Large Cup button to move to TEST RT HOPPER. Repeat steps
6 though 11 to test and adjust the right, or third hopper.
17. Use the Up Arrow to move to RIGHT HOPPER STR screen to adjust speed for hopper 3, if required.
18. Reassemble the mixing chambers when the adjustments are complete.
19. Place the NORMAL/PROGRAM/RINSE Switch in the NORMAL position, and press the center button to exit the
program mode.
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