Rovena Westberg
Registered Physiotherapist
Toppform Physiotherapy
Recommendation from physiotherapist
Choosing an active lifestyle affects your health positively in
many ways. It not only keeps you fit but improves your
quality of life and helps you live longer. Physical exercise
wards off illne
ss and is the most important contributory factor
in keeping fit.
Fitness and strength training using BungyPump training poles,
with built-in suspension, is a demanding form of exercise
which promotes the oxygen absorption capacity of the blood,
improves the endurance of respiratory muscles and
strengthens muscles, tissues and bone structure. Since
respiratory muscles are strengthened, the lungs ventilate better
and the blood flow increases.
When you subject your body to physical activity with
BungyPump, it responds by strengthening muscles, tissues and
bone structure to cope with the increased load. In addition,
ligaments and tendons are strengthened and muscle mass is
maintained or increased depending on the tempo and type of
exercise. Along with increased strength and stamina comes
improved posture and the strain on sensitive parts of your
body, such as your back, is reduced. And on top of all that, BungyPump are really fun to use!
When you train with BungyPump, your heart muscles are strengthened, which in turn means that the
heart is able to pump a greater amount of oxygenated blood per contraction and therefore does not
need to beat as fast as before. Research shows that when you walk with poles you gain up to 60%
greater training effect compared with when you just go for an ordinary walk. At the same time,
pressure on joints is reduced, especially foot, knee and hip joints.
The suspension in BungyPump training poles means that compared with traditional training poles, the
pole hits the ground in a way which is softer for your shoulders and elbows. In addition, by pressing
down firmly and resisting the upward spring of the poles while walking, muscular strength, endurance
and stability increases in most groups of muscles. BungyPump training stimulates in particular the
muscles of the upper arm (triceps), the shoulder muscles (rotator cuff and deltoid) and the back
muscles (latissimus, serratus and rhomboid). Stabilizing muscles close to the joints in the lumbar
region are also strengthened. The large muscles in the neck (trapezius) and the chest with its large
chest muscle (pectoralis major) are also exercised effectively using BungyPump. Moreover, you must
work actively with your stomach muscles since you have to fight continuously against the suspension
in the poles.
I would particularly like to recommend training with BungyPump to those people who have back
problems, since the poles activate and stabilizing stomach and back muscles near the joints which are
important for good posture and which, in turn, relieve the vertebrae. The effect on the body is also to
build more capillaries (small blood vessels) in the muscles and this in turn means that nutrients, waste
products and oxygen can be exchanged more efficiently. The body can work longer without getting
tired. Put simply, fitness is the ability of your body to absorb oxygen and turn it into energy. Using
BungyPump training poles as an exercise tool, you can effectively improve your fitness, strength and
endurance and feel better as a result.
As a registered physiotherapist, I recommend that you neither need to train hard nor for a long period
of time with BungyPump in order to improve your state of health considerably. However, you need to
do it regularly. It is better to go for a shorter walk on a daily basis than for one longer walk once a