Photoplotter FilmStar-PLUS
Instructions to Use
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panel or you produce a single
or a
with the software “Run-
Filmstar.exe“. For a first test we will plot a lightbar directly from the machine with a resolution of 1625
dpi, a start laser intensity of 125 and steps of 12.
When you turn on the plotter, the welcome message
Bungard Filmstar-PLUS
appears. In the next dia-
log you can chose between
USB key
. Chose
and in the upcoming screen
after that
and at last press
Filmstar-PLUS will now plot 8 test samples with a resolution of 1625 dpi and with light intensities of
125, 137, 149, 161,173,185, 197 and 209. After plot process has finished, go back into the Dark Room,
take the film from the plotter and develop as described in the chapter below.
After the developing and fixing process your test plot should look similar like the picture below:
The drum rotates at first slowly and with considerable noise (normal resonances of the stepper motor).
After the drum reaches its operating speed, it rotates with a constant rotational speed and the plotting
begins. During the exposure process the "laser" labeled LED lights or flashes. Pressing STOP on the
display, you can interrupt the process at any time (press several seconds). If the plotting is completed
or interrupted, the drum stops to rotate and the laser head will return to its starting position.
Before you start a new plot, please wait, until the laser head has fully achieved its zero position on the
left side of the drum.
Film Developing and Fixing
In this chapter we assume that you are using the film and
chemicals that we supplied and that you are treating the film
in the Dark Room also made by us. If you are using other
consumables or equipment you will have to adapt to your
working conditions the instructions given here below.
The setup concentration of the developer and fixer concen-
trate are written on the jerrycans: Dilute one part of concen-
trate in 2 parts of water. As a precaution, if your tap water is
very hard please use deionized water. The three vertical
tanks in our Dark Room take 9 liters each, so you will need
each 3 litres of concentrate and 6 litres of water at room tem-
The fixer goes in the first tank from the front, the middle tank takes the rinse water and the last tank is
to be filled with developer. Be careful when filling in the liquids. The developer will be destroyed if fixer
drops in. Please keep all tanks closed by the lids. The water in the middle tank will need to be replaced
frequently. Components of the film emulsion will leave pasty residues in this tank. To empty the tanks,
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 2292 / 9 28 28-0, Fax: +49 2292 / 9 28 28-29
, E-mail: [email protected]