Photoplotter FilmStar-PLUS
Instructions to Use
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Some programming reasons require
that the assignment of the X and Y
axes on the screen look different
than on the photoplotter: The plot
image is both mirrored and twisted
by 90 degrees. That causes that the
direction of the drum circumference
shows from the left to the right, and
the laser head movement is on an
axis showing vertically on the
screen (you can imagine looking
from inside of the drum against the
film). For maximum execution speed you should try to arrange all art-
work horizontally on the screen (in the direction of drum rotation).
Job / Preview
opens a preview window to show you the total of all
layouts that you loaded.
Job / Export Fotoplotter File (FPF)
creates the raster data in an
internal format called FPF. These data are written into a file of
your choice that can later be used by the Run-Filmstar software. In
this menu you select also the resolution (dpi) in which data will be
converted. If you choose high values, the film will be structured
more fine and the file size increases, however, enormous. Since
today's computers do well with large file sizes, we recommend to
choose a rather high resolution and reduce the resolution in the
plotting process.
Annotation: Standard-Gerber:
If you have no Extended Gerber files you need to specify the
measuring unit and the zero suppression for each Gerber file. This
is done in
Preference / Data Format
. Second, and again for all
Gerber files, you need to load an appropriate aperture file. This is
done from the
Job / Import Aper-
menu. A dialogue window will
show up that allows to select the
type of aperture file to load, and al-
lows to select to use an aperture
converter. The aperture files from
CAM350, GC-CAM or IsoCam are
supported directly. (You may also
use the external ViewMate software
to convert aperture files to the
Lavenir format .ENV.)
The aperture converter built into
Gerber2Bitmap will take all neces-
sary information automatically. You
just press "Guess format" and
"Start". To quit the converter, press
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 2292 / 9 28 28-0, Fax: +49 2292 / 9 28 28-29
, E-mail: [email protected]