© Copyright 2018 CGC Group Inc.
Installation Operation Maintenance Manual is Subject to Change without Notice- Last Revised June 2018
BULLDOG SideWinder – Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual
The CGC board has an optional input terminal strip that allows for two types of remote shutdown.
These are a) compressor shutdown and b) unit shutdown.
The advantage of these inputs is that many units can be connected in parallel and when powered
by an independent 24V AC signal one or both of these actions can be implemented. Common uses
Duty cycling for demand control
Global night setback
c. Heating only mode during emergency power periods
The CGC controller is also set up so these shutdown functions can be initiated individually with on
board 24V power. This capability allows unit or compressor shutdown based on a door switch, a
light switch, or occupancy switch. A separate 24V power supply is required if two or more units are
being shutdown.
The CGC board is provided with a fault alarm indication and output. The fault alarm relay
provides normally open and normally closed contacts for use in transmitting fault conditions.
NOTE: The fault alarm is energized for NORMAL, and de-energized for fault. As such, if the unit
is not powered, if the board fuse is blown, or if the electronics are damaged, a fault condition
will be indicated.
The fault relay is paralleled with the Fault LED which will be ON when no fault condition exists.
Other fault conditions are:
Hard lockout due to high or low pressure switch being open for 10 minutes or longer.
Hard lockout due to three high or low pressure shutdowns in a 24 hour period.
c. High level condensate for a period in excess of 15 minutes.