iBMC: Integrated Baseboard Management
Specialized microcontroller that is integrated in the
motherboard of a server. The BMC is the
intelligence in the Intelligent Platform Management
Interface (IPMI) architecture. The BMC manages the
interface between system management software
and platform hardware.
ID: Identification
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
World's leading organization that prepares and
publishes International Standards for all electrical,
electronic and related technologies
ILB: I/O Legacy Board
Video, LAN, USB, etc...
INtegrated Cluster Architecture. It is a high-density
server system.
bullx B500 compute blades
Refers to the bullx B500 compute blade or NCB.
bullx blade system
Refers to the overall system including the bullx
blade chassis, bullx B500 compute blades, and
Input – Output
Refers to the communication between an
information processing system (such as a
computer), and the outside world – possibly a
human, or another information processing system.
Intelligent Drive Electronics/Integrated Device
It is an interface for mass storage devices, in which
the controller is integrated into the disk or CD-ROM
It is a point-to-point processor interconnects
developed by Intel to compete with Hyper
IP: Internet Protocol
A protocol used for communicating data across a
packet-switched internetwork using the Internet
Protocol Suite, also referred to as TCP/IP.
IPMI: Intelligent Platform Management Interface
A specification owned by Intel which describes
mechanisms and devices to completely offload the
task of managing system hardware from the
primary CPU.
ISO: International Organization for
World's largest developer and publisher of
International Standards.
JTAG: Joint Test Action Group
It is the common name used for the IEEE 1149.1
standard entitled Standard Test Access Port and
Boundary-Scan Architecture for test access ports
used for testing printed circuit boards using
boundary scan.
KVM: Keyboard-Video-Mouse
It is a hardware device that allows a user to control
multiple computers from a single keyboard, video
monitor and mouse.
LAN: Local Area Network
A group of computers linked together within a
limited area to exchange data.
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
It is an electronically-modulated optical device
shaped into a thin, flat panel made up of any
number of color or monochrome pixels filled with
liquid crystals and arrayed in front of a light source
(backlight) or reflector.