TC-Standard (+)
9 Appendices
9.1 Gas cooler technical data
Gas Cooler Technical Data
Ready for operation
after max. 10 minutes
Ambient temperature
5 °C to 50 °C
Gas output dew temperature
5 °C
2 °C…20 °C or Delta T control
IP rating
IP 20
Mechanical load
Tested based on DNV-GL CG0339 vibration class A (0.7g)
2 Hz-13.2 Hz amplitude ± 1.0 mm
13.2 Hz -100 Hz acceleration
Stainless steel, brushed
Packaging dimensions
approx. 355 x 220 x 205 mm
Weight incl. heat exchanger
approx. 7.5 kg
approx. 6 kg (for 24 V DC)
approx. 9 kg at full expansion stage
Electrical data
Unit without add-on
Unit with add-on
(1 peristaltic pump)
24 V DC
230 V AC
115 V AC
24 V DC
230 V AC
115 V AC
50/60 Hz
50/60 Hz
50/60 Hz
50/60 Hz
5 A
0.6 A
1.2 A
5.5 A
0.7 A
1.4 A
120 W
110 W / 140 VA
130 W
130 W / 160 VA
Recommended fuse
(characteristic: delayed action)
6.3 A
1.25 A
2.5 A
6.3 A
1.25 A
2.5 A
Status output switching capacity
max. 250 V AC, 150 V DC
2 A, 50 VA, potential-free
Electrical Connections
Plug per EN 175301-803
Gas connections and condensate outlet
Heat exchanger see table "Heat Exchanger Overview"
Filter, moisture detector adapter G1/4 or NPT 1/4"
Parts in contact with media
Moisture detector:
Heat exchanger:
Peristaltic pump:
see "Technical Data - Options"
see "Technical Data - Options"
see table "Heat Exchanger Overview"
see "Technical Data - Options"
FM no.:
Bühler Technologies GmbH
BE440026 ◦ 12/2020