BRULA NEO service instructions
Dated 03/18
38 of
A warning is issued when adjusting the parameters if you do not have the
relevant professional knowledge. This can cause very serious damage to
equipment as well as personal injury.
12.1. Description of the parameters:
Starting temperature for the feedback control system, until t-1 is
reached, the air slider remains in position k-0
Calculated maximum temperature for burnup, at the same time the
end of the rising control curve, and please note that t-10 is NOT the
actual maximum temperature reached. During operation, t-10 can and
should be exceeded slightly in the process. The wood feed quantity
should be adapted accordingly. When t-10 is reached, the air slider is
set to position k-10 and it remains there in the first instance. For further
details, please refer to "td1"
tE 1
Temperature until end of glowing phase
tE 2
Temperature at start of glowing phase. Within the temperature
window between tE1 and tE2, the signal to add more fuel is generated.
Whenever t-10 is reached, the signal to add more fuel is generated
when tE2 is reached. If t-10 is not reached, the signal to add fuel is
generated later, but no later than the point where tE1 is reached.
Regardless of this content, the air control ever always moves
automatically into position k-18 once tE2 is reached.
"Additional constant" for the declining feedback control curve. If t-10
is not reached during the burnup (e.g. due to wet, heavy or
excessively large wood) then the value of kk is added to the
combustion air settings k-11 to k-18, but depending on the highest
temperature level reached. Example: kk is 45%. If only t-1 was
reached, then 45% is added to settings k-11 to k-18. If t-5 was
reached, only 25%. If t-9 was reached, only 5%. Therefore, if k-11 is
30% and t-7 was reached, the slider is set to 30+15 = 45% to assure
the most complete burnup possible, even with this quality of wood.
Firing mode 1, i.e. a weak burnup. This weakening can be adjusted
between 0 and 25%.
ATTENTION: Never set more than 15%.
factory setting is 15%.