DOC-M86-EXS127 V4
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Introduction to the SMART X2S
SMART X2S Features
The SMART X2S is designed specifically for walk-up structure solution for the working chemist.
Features of the SMART X2S include:
Completely automated operation without user intervention—from sample loading and
alignment through data collection and structure solution and refinement;
Designed for the non-specialist. The automation software combines expert knowledge of
structural chemistry with the power of cutting-edge data processing for structure solution
and refinement at the level of research instrumentation at laboratories worldwide. The
SMART X2S software automatically determines the structure of most routine organic and
coordination compounds.
Extremely compact, lightweight, and completely air-cooled;
Requires only standard AC power to operate, drawing one-tenth the power of a standard
diffractometer; and
Closed-beam (i.e., the sample is inserted through an external port and then loaded and
aligned automatically; users never need to put their hands into the enclosure).
For more information about the theory behind the SMART X2S, refer to Bruker AXS’ Application Note
A86-Exx003 Fundamentals of Single Crystal Diffraction.
Before using your SMART X2S, check that it is properly installed and in proper working order (e.g., that
the touch-screen interface appears when the system is powered up).