If the outboard was removed from the boat for
storage, make certain it has been reinstalled with
factory specified hardware.
Crankcase Oil
Check oil level
Add oil as needed
Gearcase Lubricant
Check the lubricant level.
Inspect gearcase for leaks. If leak is apparent,
pressure and vacuum test gearcase.
Repair gearcase as needed.
Operational Checks
Throttle and shift
All other accessories
Fuel System
Inspect entire fuel system for leaks prior to start-
ing outboard. Repair all leaks.
Start outboard and reinspect.
Once an outboard has been submerged in fresh
or salt water, it must be serviced within three (3)
hours of recovery. Immediate service can mini-
mize the corrosive affect that air has on the pol-
ished surfaces of the crankshaft, connecting rods,
and internal powerhead bearings.
If outboard cannot be started or
serviced immediately, it should be resubmerged in
fresh water to avoid exposure to the atmosphere.
Engine Dropped Overboard
(Not Running)
Disconnect battery cables at the battery.
Rinse powerhead with clean water.
Remove spark plug leads and spark plugs.
Place outboard in horizontal position (cylinder
heads down). Slowly rotate flywheel in a clock-
wise rotation to work all water out of powerhead.
If sand or silt may have entered
the outboard, DO NOT attempt to start the it. Dis-
assemble and clean.
Place engine in upright position. Drain, disassem-
ble, and clean carburetor.
Failure to check for fuel leakage could
allow a leak to go undetected, resulting in
fire or explosion.