Nov 15, 2006
Page 14 of 72
Connect to the Power Source and Local Network
BW1251 can be powered on by connecting to either one of the following two devices:
Case 1
Use the Power-over-Ethernet:
Use the enclosed power cord and any IEEE802.3af Compliant POE Power Source
Devices to supply power to your BW1251 Access Point.
Step 1
Place the Access Point on a flat work surface or mount it on the wall.
Use the enclosed 4 screws to put the rear side of the Access Point hanging on the
Step 2
Connect the Ethernet cable from the BW1251 route to an IEEE802.3af compliant Power
source Equipment, such as BE3011 POE HUB, E-820 POE Switch products of BROWAN.
Step 3
If you use the BE3011 POE HUB, please connect the BW1251 LAN port to the
DATA&POWER OUT port of BE3011 and connect the BE3011 DATA-IN port to the
switch or hub in the local network.
Figure 8 – Connect BW1251 to Power source and network by PoE HUB
Case 2
Use External Power Adapter
Step 1
Place the Access Point on a flat work surface or mount it on the wall.
Step 2
Use the enclosed Ethernet cable to connect the LAN port of the Access Point to the Switch
or hub in the local network.
Step 3
Connect the power supply to the Access Point.
Software Installation
There are two ways to connect to the BW1251’s web service: either entering the BW1251's IP
address and subnet (default networks settings) into the browser or launch the
provided on your product CD.