11. Use the rotary dial to select Min: (the minimum water temperature of
the appliance).
12. Confirm the selection.
13. Use the rotary dial to change the temperature.
14. Confirm the change.
15. Use the rotary dial to select Slope: (the steepness of the heating
16. Confirm the selection.
17. Use the rotary dial to change the steepness.
18. Confirm the change.
19. Use the rotary dial to select Save at the bottom-right corner of the
20. Confirm to save the changes in the heating curve.
Setting the control strategy
The control strategy determines the way in which the IDA controls the
heating of the room or a zone.
1. Enter the main menu.
2. Select Installer.
3. Confirm the selection.
4. Select Yes to continue.
5. Confirm the selection.
6. Select Control strategy.
The display shows Control strategy only if your installation is fit for
this option.
7. Confirm the selection.
8. Select the Control strategy that you want:
Room temperature: the IDA controls the heating on the basis of the
room thermostat.
Outside temperature: the IDA controls the heating on the basis of
the outside thermometer.
Room & Outside: the IDA controls the heating on the basis of a mix
of the outside thermometer and for a minor part on the basis of the
room thermostat.
Automatic: the IDA chooses one of the three control strategies on
the basis of the connected sensors.
9. Confirm the selection.
Setting the heat up speed
The heat up speed determines how slow or fast the installation will heat up
the room or zone at the start time of the scheduled heating period.
1. Enter the main menu.
2. Select Installer.
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4 Customisation
7726708 - v.01 - 18012019