Models SLA5810 and SLA5820
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B091AAG
July, 2010
1-1 Scope
Thank you for purchasing a Brooks Instrument Digital Pressure Product. This
manual, X-PR-SLA5800-PC-eng is an installation and operation manual for
your instrument.
If you have purchased a Digital Pressure Product with DeviceNet
Communications, a separate DeviceNet Instruction Manual shall also be
provided as part of the operating documentation.
1-2 Purpose
The Brooks SLA5810 and SLA5820 are pressure measurement devices
designed for accurately measuring and rapidly controlling the upstream or
downstream pressure in a flow system. This instruction manual is intended to
provide the user with all the information necessary to install, operate and
maintain the Brooks
PC. This manual is organized into four sections.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Maintenance & Troubleshooting
It is recommended that this manual be read in its entirety before attempting to
operate or repair these Digital products.
1-3 Description
Brooks Instrument’s digital elastomer sealed pressure measurement and
control product line offers unparalleled flexibility and performance. The
SLA5800 Series of Elastomer Seal pressure measurement and control is the
most accurate, repeatable, and responsive controller on the market today!
offers a traditional 0-5 volt analog option . Brooks also offers control
interface via digital network protocols like DeviceNet, a high-speed (up to
500k baud) digital communication network, or F
Brooks’ communication capabilities and device-profiles have been certified by
the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor’s Association) and the ITK Interoperability
Test Kit. Other network protocols are in development. Talk to your Brooks
representative about your specific needs.
The process and command data may be 'wired' either using traditional 5 volt
analog connections or digital communications networks; The measurement
and control performance is the same!
The SLA5800 Series microprocessor uses a multi-point calibration to deal
with any residual integral sensor non-linearity, yielding a highly accurate
process signal.
The SLA5800 Series family of products utilizes a modular system in both it's
mechanical and electrical construction. This modularity allows for simplified
customer ordering and factory configuration, enabling Brooks to easily meet
the ever changing needs of our global customers.