Models 5964, 5850EM
Section 3 Operation
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B121AHG
November, 2008
When calibrating the Current I/O Version, it is easiest to calibrate using
0-5 Vdc command and flow signals and follow the standard response
procedure. Refer to Section 3-4, Features, Current I/O Version, for proper
hookups. After calibration, the Model 5964/5850EM may be reconfigured
for Current I/O operation with negligible change in calibration.
Calibration Procedure for the Enhanced Response PC Board
(5 adjustment potentiometers)
a. With the controller installed in an unpressurized gas line, apply power
and allow approximately 45 minutes for warm-up. During the warm-up,
adjustment, and calibration check procedures, do not allow the control
valve to drift when gas flow is not present. This situation is not a normal
operating mode and will cause abnormal heat-up of the control valve.
With this abnormally warm valve, the meter will be difficult to calibrate.
This situation can be prevented by switching a normally closed valve to
valve override closed or a normally open valve to valve override open
when there is no gas flow.
b. Rough-adjust the anticipate and response potentiometers fully clock-
wise 20 turns. Then adjust the anticipate and response potentiometers
10 turns counterclockwise. This provides a rough adjustment of this
circuit and makes the flow more stable for calibration.
c. Adjust zero by connecting the DVM (digital voltmeter) positive lead to
the 0-5 Volt output, (Pin 3 Card Edge, Pin 2 D-Connector) and the
negative lead to TP4 (circuit common). Adjust the zero potentiometer
(second pot from the bottom) for an output of zero mV ± 2 mV.
d. Apply pressure to the system and insure that the zero signal repeats
within 2 mV of the voltage set in Step c above. If the zero does not
repeat, check for leakage.
Note: Controllers with all metal or Teflon valve seats do not provide tight
shut-off. A 0-8% leak through is typical. For metal and Teflon seat
controllers, close a downstream shut-off valve and observe the flow
e. Set the command potentiometer for 100% flow (5.000 V). Connect the
DVM positive lead to TP2 (linearity voltage) and the negative lead to
TP4 (circuit common). Adjust the linearity potentiometer for an output of
0.0 V (zero Volts). As an alternative, you can turn the linearity potenti-
ometer 25 turns counterclockwise.
f. Read the full scale sensor voltage and flowrate. Prior to taking the
measurement, allow a minimum of two minutes for the flow to stabilize.
Connect the DVM positive lead to TP1 and the negative lead to TP0.
Measure and record the voltage. If the flowrate is within specification,
skip to Step h.
g. Obtain the correct flowrate at 100% command by adjusting the span
potentiometer, and calculate the new sensor voltage using the following