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WebSwitch Installation and Operation Manual
Trademark and Copyright Information
This document is Copyright ©2009, contact Broadcast Tools, Inc. All rights
reserved. WebSwitch™ are Trademarks 2009, contact Broadcast Tools, Inc.
Portions of the software used in WebSwitch™ are open source and appropriate
copyright and legal notices are listed at the end of this manual. All other parts of the
software are property of: contact Broadcast Tools, Inc. The hardware design,
schematics, PCB layout, concept, graphics, users manual, etc., are property of: con-
tact Broadcast Tools, Inc. WebSwitch™ may not be opened, dis-assembled, copied
or reverse engineered.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
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pose other than the personal use by the purchaser of this product. Broadcast Tools,
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Whereas effort has been made to make the information in this document as useful
and accurate as possible, Broadcast Tools, Inc., assumes no responsibility for the
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Broadcast Tools, Inc., reserves the right to change any product’s features, specifica-
tions, documentation, warranties, fee schedules and conditions at any time and with-
out notice.
The term “Buyer” as used in this document refers to and includes both (but only) (a)
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