ADMS 44.22 Installation and Operation Manual
DSP Processing
Matrix Switcher
The ADMS 44.22 8x2 stereo matrix switcher can connect and disconnect
(mute) any input in any combination to one or both outputs. All basic switcher func-
tions can be performed using either the front panel buttons or remote switch or open
collector closures. The ADMS 44.22 front panel has one pushbutton for each stereo
input channel, and four modifier buttons. Switcher operations are executed by
pressing either one or several buttons in combination. A more comprehensive set of
switcher controls is available using RS-232 control.
As a general rule, switcher operations affecting connections to one output do
not affect connections to the other; they operate independently. However, several
commands do affect both outputs. These commands are noted in the RS-232
Command Set section of the manual.
Switcher Modes
The ADMS 44.22 operates in three different Switcher Modes that determine
how front panel and terminal commands affect the switching matrix:
Mix Mode
In Mix Mode, any or all inputs can be connected to one or both outputs.
Connecting and disconnecting an input has no effect on any other connection.
Interlock Mode
In Interlock Mode, only one input can be connected to an output at a time.
Connecting an input to an output disconnects all others from that output.
Overlap Mode
In Overlap Mode, two inputs can be connected to an output at a time while
the button for the second input is held. When the button is released, the first
channel is disconnected.
Front panel and remote control operations always obey these three Switcher
Mode rules. However, certain terminal switcher commands behave differ-
ently depending on the Switcher Mode. Modal switcher commands emulate
the behavior of the front panel buttons by following the three Switcher Mode
rules. Non-modal switcher commands always follow the rules for Mix
Mode, and ignore the rules for Interlock and Overlap Modes. Details about
how each switcher command functions in each of the modes can be found in
the section 4 of the manual.
Connect/Disconnect (Mute)
To avoid the abrupt discontinuities associated with hard analog switching, the
ADMS 44.22 employs a ‘soft switching’ DSP process. When an input is con-
nected or disconnected (muted), the DSP does a quick 0.5-second fade up/fade
down on the input, simulating a fast analog fader move. While there both
modal and non-modal switcher connect commands, disconnect commands are
always non-modal and do not effect connections on any other inputs.
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