FT800 Series Programmer Guide
Version 2.1
Document Reference No.: BRT_000030 Clearance No.: BRT#037
Copyright © Bridgetek Limited
Co-processor handling of Display list commands ............. 146
Synchronization .............................................................. 146
ROM and RAM Fonts ........................................................ 147
Cautions .......................................................................... 148
Fault Scenarios ................................................................ 149
widgets physical dimension ............................................. 149
widgets color settings ..................................................... 149
Co-processor engine graphics state ................................ 150
Definition of parameter OPTION ...................................... 151
Co-processor engine resources ..................................... 153
Command groups .......................................................... 153
CMD_DLSTART - start a new display list ....................... 155
CMD_SWAP - swap the current display list ................... 156
CMD_COLDSTART - set co-processor engine state to
default values ......................................................................... 156
CMD_INTERRUPT - trigger interrupt INT_CMDFLAG ...... 158
CMD_APPEND - append memory to display list ............. 159
CMD_REGREAD - read a register value .......................... 160
CMD_MEMWRITE - write bytes into memory ................. 161
CMD_INFLATE - decompress data into memory ............ 163
CMD_LOADIMAGE - load a JPEG image ......................... 164
CMD_MEMCRC - compute a CRC-32 for memory ............ 166
CMD_MEMZERO - write zero to a block of memory ........ 167
CMD_MEMSET - fill memory with a byte value .............. 168
CMD_MEMCPY - copy a block of memory ....................... 169
CMD_BUTTON - draw a button ...................................... 170
CMD_CLOCK - draw an analog clock .............................. 173