DuraTime HP clocks are factory synchronized with the atomic time standard and will remain
accurate for over 20 years, eliminating the need for sync wiring or wireless communications.
Eliminating synchronization infrastructure improves reliability and reduces cost. Installation is a
snap. Simply connect the clock to power and hang on the wall. The clock will display accurate
time for the next 20 years or longer. No more failures of master clocks, GPS, cables, network
switches, repeaters, etc. The elimination of all these sync systems greatly reduces installation
and maintenance costs.
DuraTime HP clocks incorporate an extremely accurate oven controlled oscillator to maintain
accurate time.
DuraTime HP clocks are capable of implementing all world time display rules, including
automatically switching between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time. If the government
changes the time display rules, the clocks can be reconfigured in the field.
The government may on occasion announce the implementation of a leap second due to gradual
slowing of the earth's rotation. Once the adjustment date is known the clocks can be configured
well in advance to implement the leap second on the appointed date. Leap second adjustments
occur on average about every 4-5 years.
The frequency drift of each oscillator is measured at the factory. The clock is configured with
this value so it can automatically perform very small adjustments to the oscillator throughout the
life of the clock. The oscillator is then calibrated using an atomic frequency standard. Once
oscillator accuracy is confirmed, the clock is synchronized with the atomic time standard. The
clock is then ready for many years of trouble free operation.
The clock includes a rechargeable long life super capacitor with a temperature compensated
oscillator that maintains time during power outages. The oscillator will maintain accurate time
long enough to allow the clocks to be shipped. After receiving the clocks, they should be
connected to external power as soon as possible. The clock may be removed from external
power for up to one month without deviating one second. If the time has drifted an unacceptable
amount, then the time can be easily corrected using the buttons on the clock.