While looking into the eyepiece of the polar
axis scope, turn the altitude adjustment
handles and azimuth adjustment knobs so
that Sigma Octantis comes to the gap bet-
ween the two segments of the lines marked
2014 and 2040.
Set Sigma Octantis to an approximate position
that is corresponding to the year of your obser-
Repeat the procedures 6 and 7 until Sigma, Tau and Chi Octantis come to the proper locations on the designated position scales respectively. Tighten
the azimuth adjustment knobs at both sides to f inish the polar alignment.
As an illustration here, Sigma Octantis is set to the edge of the line on the side of 2014, and both Tau and Chi Octantis are set to the middle of the
curved lines of the position scale at the protruded edge on the side of 15 respectively. (In case of the year 2014)
Set Sigma Octantis to an approximate position that is
corresponding to the year of your observation.
Azimuth adjustment knob
Altitude adjustment handles
Chi Octantis in 2014
Center of the polar alignment scope’s field of view
(Center of the rotational axis of the equatorial mount)
Sigma Octantis in 2014
Tau Octantis in 2014
Celestial south
Correcting the position of Sigma Octantis with the altitude adjustment handles and
azimuth adjustment knobs.
Correcting the position of Tau and Chi Octantis with a rotation of the polar scope boy