The bed doors hit the Toe Kick when opened.
The steel frame must be 1/2” back from the Mechanism End. See Chapter 4, Step 3.
The steel frame must be 1/2” back from the Mech End. See Chapter 4, Step 3.
Verify the bolts in Hole #2 (10 1/2” from frame end) and Hole #3 (19 1/4” from
frame end) are inserted and securely tightened. See Chapter 5, Step 4.
The bed doors do not hit the top shelf and fall inside of the Bed Cabinet.
The way the legs are shaped prevent the legs from slipping out from under the
bed without first raising up on the Bed Face Panel. If your legs are slipping out, it’s
usually one of the following issues:
When opening the bed, be sure both legs are extended all the way down.
Check that the leg stop cylinder is in the bottom hole (see Chapter 4, Step 2) and
that the leg rod has been installed (see Chapter 6, Step 3).
If the legs hit against the bed doors instead of the cylinder, verify the frame is
1/2” back from the Mechanism End (see Chapter 4, Step 3).
The legs slip out from under the bed or have pulled out from the round leg disks.
The mattress and bedding should be in place to determine the proper spring
tension. See Chapter 7, Step 3 for spring adjustment. If the bed won’t close all the
way, make sure your mattress/bedding is no more than 11” thick.
The bed doesn’t stay closed/open.
The Bed Cabinet bottom needs to be moved left or right. See Chapter 7, Step 1.
The Bed Face Panel is not even side-to-side or the legs hit left/right side.
Steel studs: Stack the screws provided so each stud has 2 screws separated by
at least an inch of vertical spacing. For heavy gauge steel studs, use #8 x 2 1/2”
(or greater) self-taping sheet metal screws.
Contact us to discuss attachment.
I don’t have wood studs in my wall to attach the Bed Cabinet to.
If the notch wasn’t customized during ordering, you can notch the wood panels
with a saw. Alternatively, you can remove or notch the baseboard.
The Bed Cabinet hits my baseboard.
If you have 3 studs, stack the screws in the Top Nailer so each stud has 2 screws
separated by at least an inch of vertical spacing.
If you have less than 3 studs,
contact us to discuss attachment.
I have 3 or less stud locations to attach the Bed Cabinet to.
There are screws on each hinge that control adjustment:
The front screw controls the side-to-side adjustment.
The back screw controls the depth.
The top and bottom screws are used to adjust the door higher or lower.
For a video demonstration, see: breda.us/hinges
Hinges on hutch doors need to be adjusted.