Intended Use
The NIPPY ST+ is intended to provide non-invasive ventilation for non-dependent,
spontaneously breathing adult patients with respiratory insufficiency, or respiratory
The NIPPY ST+ is not intended for life support or life-sustaining applications or for
transport of critical care patients.
The NIPPY ST+ is intended for use in clinical settings (e.g., hospitals and sub-acute
care institutions) and home environments.
The NIPPY ST+ is intended for non-invasive use only.
The NIPPY ST+ shall only be used by patients who are spontaneously breathing.
The NIPPY ST+ must always be prescribed by a competent physician.
The NIPPY ST+ is intended for treatment of adult patients only.
The NIPPY ST+ is intended to be operated by qualified and trained personnel only.
NIPPY ST+ must be prescribed by, and used only under the supervision of a
qualified physician.
This manual is only intended for clinical personnel, physicians and trained users who
require a working knowledge of the NIPPY ST+.
Alarms must be tested before use and following a change of the breathing circuit as
described in the Alarms Conditions/Tests section.
It is the clinicians responsibility to ensure the device is always used with the
appropriate breathing circuit, to ensure sufficient CO
elimination. All care staff
should be trained to ensure that the location of this exhalation port is known and they
are aware that this must not be removed, covered or blocked at any time.
Batteries used for power fail back up must be kept in good condition and fully
charged at all times. See Battery care section of this manual.