Operation Under Extreme Conditions
Ambient Temperature in the range of +5 to +50
Between 5 and 40 degrees functioning of the ventilator should not be affected.
Extremes of temperature (below 5
C, above 40
C) may affect the colour of the LCD
display. This will return to normal with the temperature.
Operation above 40 degrees is not recommended. The ventilator may overheat at
elevated temperatures. An audible and visual alarm will be activated in the event of
over temperature. Air conditioning should be employed to keep the room
temperature below 40 degrees.
Ambient Relative Humidity in the range of 10 to 100% RH
The ventilator is expected to function correctly at extremes of humidity. High humidity
levels may affect the colour of the LCD display. This will return to normal with the
Atmospheric Pressure in the range of 600mBar to 1100mBar
The ventilator is expected to function correctly between 600 and 1100 mBar.
Supply Voltage Range from
–20% to +10% of specified value
The NIPPY ST+ will operate normally
Failure of Electrical Power Supply
If a back-up battery is connected, the ventilator will automatically switch to the
back-up supply and give an audible and visual indication that it has done so.
During total power failure,
there will be no output from the machine. The patient
will be able to breathe spontaneously through the machine and out through the
exhale port. However, some re-breathing of exhaled gas is inevitable. During
power/ventilator failure disconnect the patient from the breathing circuit as soon
as possible.
The inspiratory / expiratory resistance of the NIPPY ST+ and breathing system
(NIPPY ST+ and circuit) is less than 6cm H
O @ 60 l/min. This value must not be
exceeded when adding attachments or fittings to the breathing circuit.
Accessories and Spares
A range of nasal and facemasks is available in various sizes. Please
contact us for details
Head Set pt.no. 0563 available in Small, Medium, Large and Extra large.
Please add S,M,L OR XL to part number when ordering.
A range of breathing circuits is available for use with nasal mask,
facemask. See Breathing Circuits section, page 17.
Air Filter Element pt.no. 0584 (pack of 5)
Inline Bacterial Filter pt.no. 0635. - 99.999% filtration
– Resistance,
0.75mB @ 50 l/min
– deadspace 55ml – 22mm tapered fittings.
These components are for single patient use.
External battery, part number 0910