Operating instructions
Explanation / Instructions
Transfer process; Concentrate
is not transferred; error mes-
sage: Fill canisters?
Sensor overflow (top) on the
tank active
Adjust the sensor on top of the
Authorisation menu; The
density of water is displayed
Tube to the density sensor is
Check the tube
Density sensor defective
Call service to replace
defective component
MV2 defective
Authorisation menu; a very
high density deviation is dis-
MV2 does not open cor-
rectly or not at all
The device is in the main menu,
although the mixing tank is
filled with concentrate
Unauthorized user access
during transfer or in the au-
thorisation menu
Press Shift key for three seconds
to jump to the transfer menu
Transfer menu; tanks cannot be
selected; Display: fill canisters?
Configuration of tanks was
not changed prior to concen-
trate change
Configure the tanks and transfer
Transfer menu; pump starts
but nothing arrives in storage
tank; Display: Filling tank X
Ball valve does not respond Call service: Check ball valve or
relay and replace if necessary
CANBus module fuse F2 or
fuse in the CANBus module
Call service: replace fuse
CANBus cable defective
Call service: Check the cable
Water inlet does not open; Er-
ror message: uncontrolled wa-
ter supply > 10l; Please call ser-
Rinsing process or other pro-
gram sequence was aborted
Press Info button for 10 sec.,
then rinse the device; possibly
exchange MV1
No water inflow; error message:
uncontrolled water supply > 10
l; please call service
Shutdown during the rinsing
process, MV1 does not close
State: April 2021
4.9.1., I Manual ECOMix Original (EN), 7, F: M. Lorek, 06.04.2021