Operating instructions
tank becomes available (
48 h). The
ix needs to be switched on, until the concentrate is
Caution: When filling containers, the contents of the first canister must be discarded
(approx. 5 litres), as in the concentrate feed to
anks yet another type of con-
centrate can be located.
The facility is responsible for ensuring that the canisters are suitable for storing dialy-
sis concentrate in terms of condition, hygiene, labelling and regulatory requirements.
Pressing the “F1” button starts the transfer process. The user can also manually force the filling
of a storage tank associated with the tank identifier by means of the key “F2”, if e.g. a half-filled
tank should be refilled.
Via the CANBus module, the connected storage tanks communicate with the production system
and the filling levels of the storage tanks are monitored. If the upper level sensor of the connected
storage tank is reached, the system automatically stops the transfer process and proposes another
storage tank or the filling of canisters.
When the concentrate has been transferred and only a small amount remains in the mixing tank,
the transfer process stops and the drain valve opens. The remains of the concentrate run to the
drain. The LCD display will indicate that.
Press the “Home Enter” key to return to the last program step.
The production system requires approx. 25-30 minutes to transfer 750 litres of concentrate.
After transfer, the system automatically switches to the rinsing process.
The liquid concentrate is stored in the connected
anks. There is no
marking of the concentrate on the
ank. The traceability of the stored concentrate is guaranteed
both via the batch memory and via the filed production log. The concentrate type is indicated by
generic tank labels.
Liquid concentrates have a shelf life of 24 months.
4.5 Rinsing the ECOMix
The rinsing process is initiated automatically after each mixing process. If required, it can also be
initiated from the main menu via “F3”.
ix must be rinsed after each production process.
Depending on the configuration of the
ix, the rinsing is done with via a rinsing bridge or the
hoses are short-circuited. The two different processes for connectivity of the couplings are described
Before the automatic flushing program starts, the hoses on the production system
must be disconnected from the
art and connected with each other or with the
rinsing bridge using the quick connect couplings on the system. The operator must
ensure that this condition is met before the system starts the flushing operation.
State: April 2021
4.9.1., I Manual ECOMix Original (EN), 7, F: M. Lorek, 06.04.2021