MANUAL P/N 900000111 REV K
In the default configuration, the NFS-220 is automatically assigned an IP address by the network’s
DHCP server. If it cannot find a DHCP server, it will set itself to In order to use a
web browser to control the unit, this address must be discovered.
This can be done, either by using the “Microchip Ethernet Device Discoverer” application from a
computer on the same network as the unit, or by connecting a computer to the NFS-220 console port
J10, via RS232, and using a terminal program such as HyperTerminal or Tera Term.
Configure the terminal program to accept ASCII data at 115,200 baud, No Parity, 8
bits/character, 1 stop bit (115200, N, 8,1); No Flow Control.
Cycle Power to the NFS-220.
A short string will be broadcast by the NFS-220 that has the IP address of the unit.
Note that in the example shown in Figure 2 the IP address changed upon power up from (previous setting) to which is the new address that the DHCP
server assigned to it upon power up.
Figure 2 NFS-220 console port start-up string
Changing NFS220 Network IP address using Internet Explorer
Enter the IP address of the NFS-220 into the address bar of a web browser running on a computer
that is connected to the same network as the NFS-220, as shown in
Figure 3
Figure 3 Browser settings for NFS-220