20. Remove the Belt Tensioning Screws and Brackets using a 5 mm hex wrench.
Be sure to record how many turns it takes to remove the screws to assist
with reassembly
21. Using a 5 mm hex wrench, remove the Belt Tensioning Screws and Brackets
from the Front Roller.
Be sure to record how many turns it takes to remove the screws to assist
with reassembly. Also note the orientation of the Brackets. The larger Bracket is to
the outside of the machine.
22. Place a static object (like a book or box) under the Rear Roller of the Right
Treadle. This will support the weight of the Treadle Assembly when the Left Roller
Bearing Plate is removed.
23. Using a 5 mm hex wrench, remove the indicated bolts from the Left Roller
Bearing Plate.
24. Remove the Left Roller Bearing Plate from the Rear Roller.
25. Carefully slide the Walking Belt off of the deck and replace with new belt.
26. Follow the same procedure for replacing the right Walking Belt.
27. Installation is the reverse procedure.
Be sure to consult the WALKING BELT ADJUSTMENT procedure.
Left Roller
Bearing Plate
Rear Roller