The Tripath’s modulation pattern has a no-signal high frequency of about 700 kHz. The switch-
ing frequency varies downward as the signal level increases, reaching about 100 kHz just
before clipping. Near clipping, the switching pattern is further adjusted to provide soft clipping
behavior. This appears to be oscillation when viewed on a scope, but all of the artifacts are well
above the audio band, and the “fuzz” actually helps reduce the audibility of clipping. Choke L4
and capacitor C41 form a 2-pole low-pass filter at approximately 70 kHz to remove the switching
frequency from the audio output. C42, R84 and R85 are a Zobel network whose main function is
to damp the resonance of the L4/C41 filter with very high impedance or nonexistent speaker
loads. This network also does double duty: the voltage across R84 and R85 is rectified to
determine if the amplifier is being fed a signal with too much high frequency content. You’ll
notice that there is no analog feedback from the audio output. All of the feedback in the ampli-
fier is derived by comparing the actual FET switching transitions with the predicted transitions,
thus avoiding the inherent delay of the output LC filter. “Servo Amp” A1 provides DC feedback to
insure that the entire amplifier’s output DC offset remains very low. This is especially important
in distributed sound applications, where the speakers are connected through matching trans-
formers that have very low impedance at DC.
Current sensing transformers L204 and L205’s output voltages are sent to the Tripath module to
provide cycle by cycle over-current protection at the switching frequency. This over-current
condition, or main rail voltages that are too high or too low will cause the module to shut down
very quickly and output a logic 1 on the module’s “Fault” pin.
PIC microcontroller, U14, monitors amplifier functions including the Tripath’s “Fault” pin (and
numerous other inputs) and responds by turning the amplifier on and off by means of the
Tripath’s “Mute” pin. The speakers are also disconnected under U14s control via relay K1.
In order for the amplifier board’s PIC microcontroller to allow the amplifier to become fully
functional at start-up, the following conditions must be true:
The AC power must be OK.
The heatsink temperature must be below 160
The “Wakeup” line from the host processor must be high.
The “Amplifier Off” command (I2C) from the host processor must be absent, i.e. set to “On”.
The main rail voltages must be within prescribed limits (+100-200V).
There must not be DC at the output (after a 1 second “servo setting time”).
There must not be excessive high frequency content at the output.
In addition to this series of tests at start-up, the determination is made whether the unit is set for
70V or 100V output by measuring the + rail voltage <140V = 70V mode, >150V = 100V mode.
70V mode causes a 1 (+5V) output on U14s “Vshift” pin. This 1 causes a small amount of
current to be sourced/sunk into Tripath pins 37 and 38. These currents cause the Tripath’s
internal over-voltage / under-voltage limits to shift downward corresponding to the + 130V rails
vs. + 170V.
Once the amplifier is up and running, all of these parameters are monitored continuously, with a
few minor adaptations. If the heatsink temperature exceeds 160
F, the fan is switched from low
to high speed operation. If the power dissipation is still excessive, and the heatsink exceeds
F, the amplifier will be shut down until the temperature is under 160
F. Once the initial
voltage measurements are made, the Tripath’s internal over-voltage / under-voltage sensing is
relied upon.
Summary of Contents for FREESPACE 4400
Page 87: ...87 Circuit Board Layout Diagrams Figure 12 DSP PCB Top Etch Board Layout Diagram ...
Page 88: ...88 Circuit Board Layout Diagrams Figure 13 DSP PCB Bottom Etch Board Layout Diagram ...
Page 90: ...90 Circuit Board Layout Diagrams Figure 18 Amplifier Upper PCB Top Etch Board Layout Diagram ...