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79541 Lörrach-Hauingen
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Changes reserved
Version: 01/ 2004
1 0 . 1
Changing machine voltage
There are three steps to changing the voltage:
1. Changing jumpers in the terminal box of the motor
2. Changing the control transformer in the control panel box
3. Changing the overload either in the control panel box or at the main disconnect.
1. Most machines have nine poles in the terminal box which should be set as shown below.
Some machines may have six poles, in which case three jumpers should run vertically for
220V and the V2, U2 and W2 poles should be connected for 440 V.
2. The control transformer is in the control panel box. Remove the six screws and set the
transformer incoming lines and jumper as shown below:
Spanning = Voltage
Anschluss = Incoming Lines
Brucke = Bridge or Jumper
220V: Jump 1 to 37 and 2 to 33
440V: Jump only 32 to 37
460V: Jump only 33 to 37
480V: Jump only 34 to 37
3. The overload in the control panel box needs to be changed so it has the proper amperage.
For 200 - 240 Volts, the range of amps is 16 - 20 (set at 17). For 400 to 490 Volts, the range
of amps is 6 - 10 (set at 10). If the amperage cannot be adjusted to the safe setting, the
overload protection must be changed. Contact Boschert for the correct parts.
220 Volts
440 Volts