Draw off at least 2.5 litres of oil until a steady flow of clear
uncontaminated oil can be seen and turn off the isolating valve.
This method may not be possible on some installations
where a sub-gravity system is used. Where this problem arises
bleed the system using the oil pump as described in Section 12
and remove and clean the oil pump filter to remove any debris
collected as a result of installation.
Replace the electrical control panel and side panels in
reverse order to the removal procedure of Section 5 and connect
the electrical supply as described in Section 10.
Ensure that no foreign matter is left in the system as this could
cause damage to the appliance.
Check that the electrical supply to the appliance is
switched off.
When commissioning the appliance after initial installation
follow the procedure from 12.3, otherwise remove the burner
first as described in section 14.3.
Benchmark Water Treatment: For optimum performance after
installation, this boiler and its associated central heating
system should be flushed in accordance with the guidelines
given in BS7593:1992 - Treatment of water in domestic hot
water systems. Full instructions are supplied with proprietary
cleansers sold for this purpose. If an inhibitor is to be used
after flushing, it should be used in accordance with the
inhibitor manufacturers instructions.
Suitable flushing agents and inhibitors are available from Betz
Dearborn Tel: 0151 4209595 and Fernox Tel: 01799 550811.
Instructions for use are supplied with these products.
IMPORTANT: Any system cleanser must be flushed from the system
before an inhibitor is added.
12.3 Prepare the heating system
After initial installation and checking for leaks, as previously
described, drain down the system sufficiently to add a flushing
agent. After flushing drain the system before re-filling.
Refill the system
12.4 Check the Burner
Check that the nozzle and electrode settings are correct for
the relevant burner. (See Figs. 18, 19, 20, 21,22 and 23).
Check that the nozzle lies central with the combustion head hole.
Check for any visible defects.
12.5 Replace the burner
Connect the flexible oil supply hose to the isolating valve and
tighten sufficiently to form a good seal. Where a double pipe
system or single pipe system with de-aerator is being used fit the
bypass plug, as described in Fig. 9, and connect the oil return
flexible hose to the return pipe fitting.
With the sponge O-ring gasket around the burner blast tube
insert the burner into the housing tube. Push the burner firmly
forward to compress the gasket and tighten the two locking
screws using a 5mm Allen key.
It is important that a good seal is made between the
burner and the boiler to prevent re-circulation of the flue gases
from the combustion chamber to the burner inlet or the room in
the case of CF/LLD appliance.
On the RS balanced flue model feed the electrical lead back
through the hole in the burner surround housing (in the reverse
order to that described in 11.2) and fit the grommet into the hole
ensuring a seal is made.
Re-connect the electrical lead plug into the control box.
12.6 Check the installation
Check that the appliance is correctly wired as described in
Section 10.
Check the combustion chamber base insulation is positioned
correctly in the bottom of the boiler.
Check that all baffles are correctly located and the heat shield
is correctly mounted (20/25, 26/32, 32/50 and 50/70 models
only) as shown in Fig. 24.
Check that the baffle retainer is correctly mounted (20/25, 26/32,
32/50 and 50/70 models only) as shown in Fig. 24c, 24d and 24e.
On the 50/70 remove and discard the transit baffle retainer,
as shown in Fig. 24e.
Ensure that the cap is firmly seated in position and check the
cap retainer is correctly mounted (32/50 and 50/70 models
only) as shown in Fig. 24d, 24e and 25.
On the 32/50 ensure the tabs of the top baffle are positioned
at the front of the boiler.
Check that the control thermostat and auto reset high limit
thermostat phials are correctly located in the boiler thermostat
pocket positioned in the top front of the boiler.
Check that the manual reset limit thermostat is located in the
steel pocket above the electrical box mounting bracket on the
front face of the boiler.
Check that all of the air-ways to the burner are clear of any
Fit a pressure gauge and manifold to the burner pump at
the point indicated in Fig. 9 or the pressure gauge port shown in
Fig. 20 on the 20/25.
Turn on the electricity to the appliance.
12.9 Bleed the burner.
Single Pipe System
Release the fuel bleed port on the manifold and place a suitable
receptacle beneath. Turn on the boiler thermostat and allow the
burner to run through to lockout. Wait two minutes and reset
the burner control box. Repeat the procedure at least three
times or until a steady stream of oil, without air, is exhausted
from the bleed port. Re-lock the bleed port.
Double Pipe System
A double pipe system will automatically vent the air back to the
oil tank. Turn on the boiler thermostat and allow the burner to
run through to lockout. Wait two minutes and reset the burner
control box. Repeat the procedure until the burner fires and runs
in a steady state. This may take several attempts depending on
the oil pipe length and height.
Single pipe suction lift system with de-aerator
A single pipe suction lift system with de-aerator will automatical-
ly vent air through the de-aerator by turning on the boiler ther-
mostat and allowing the boiler run to lockout. Wait two minutes
and reset the burner control box. Repeat the procedure until the
burner fires and runs in a steady state.
On long oil pipe runs from the oil tank to the boiler it is recom-
mended that the de-aerator be primed to prevent damage to the
oil pump.
To prime the the de-aerator follow the following procedure:
Disconnect the flexible oil inlet hose end nearest the
de-aerator and place in a container of oil.
Place an empty container to collect oil from the oil
inlet pipe connection of the de-aerator.
Prime the de-aerator and reconnect the de-aerator
to the flexible oil inlet hose.
Adjust the air shutter and pump pressure to the settings
recommended in Tables 2 to 8. After a pre-ignition period of
approximately 15 seconds the burner should ignite. Flame sensing
is carried out by means of a photocell mounted in the burner
body. Should the boiler fail to establish a normal firing pattern (or
should flame failure occur during running), the absence of a flame
is sensed and the control box is monitored to a safe lockout condi-
tion and the boiler is shut down. The lockout indicator light/reset
button in the burner control box will illuminate indicating that the
12. Commissioning The Appliance