10.3 Mounting
Damages at the contacts by tilting the modules
Place the modules vertically on the mounting rail and remove the modules verti-
cally from the mounting rail as well.
Fig. 10-4: Positioning and removing modules only vertically
Destruction of components due to mounting un-
der voltage!
Before mounting or demounting components, disconnect the control - includ-
ing its components - from voltage
Connect the voltage only after the control and its components have been set
The extension bus base modules can only be mounted if the control
is not attached to the control bus base module.
Mounting IndraControl extension bus base modules
1. Press the extension bus base modules for the extension modules on the
top-hat rail on the left next to the control bus base module until all latch-
ings are safely closed (see (A) in the following figure).
2. Move the first extension bus base module (see (B) to the right and connect
the extension bus base module with the bus base module of the control
(see (D) in the following figure).
3. Move the other extension bus base modules to the right until all bus base
modules are connected with each other (see (C) in the following figure).
Extension Modules Profibus, RT-
Ethernet, Sercos, CAN
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mounting, demounting and electric installationI