Bosch Rexroth AG
Type HAB..-4X | RE 50170-B/10.08
Principle safety instructions
Read this manual thoroughly and completely, before working with the
HAB..- 4X bladder-type accumulator.
Keep the manual so that it is accessible for all users at all times.
Intended use
Rexroth bladder-type accumulators are intended to be built in hydraulic drive
systems for the purposes of energy storage, shock and vibration absorption,
compensation of leakage losses or volume compensation.
Bladder-type accumulators are pressure equipments in the sense of the Pressure
Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
The HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator is exclusively intended to be built in a
machine and/or system or to be assembled with other components to form a
machine and/or system.
For the project planning, the principles of the Pressure Equipment Directive and
the Machinery Directive, within the EU, as well as other local provisions, outside
the EU, are to be observed.
The bladder-type accumulator must only be put into operation, if it is built into the
machine/system it is intended for and after it was confirmed that the machine/
system complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive, the Pressure
Equipment Directive and other locally applicable provisions.
Observe the technical data, operating conditions and limits of performance
indicated in the data sheet RE 50170.
Repair works must only be carried out by the manufacturer or by authorized
dealers and agencies. If this condition is not complied with, the warranty expires.
The HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator is a technical working device and not
intended for any private use.
The intended use also includes that you have completely read and understood
this operating manual and particularly chapter 2 "Principle safety instructions".
Non-intended use
Non-intended use is any use of the HAB..-4X bladder-type accumulator other than
the use described in the chapter "Intended use".
The bladder-type accumulator must not be modified in any way whatsoever;
otherwise the warranty expires! This is particularly true for welding and soldering
works, mechanical machining or the installation or addition of non-original
replacement or other accessory parts.
The operating pressure of the bladder-type accumulator must not exceed the
maximum operating pressure indicated in the technical data sheet.
The bladder-type accumulator must not be charged with a gas other than nitrogen
99.99 percent by volume.
The bladder-type accumulator must not be operated with group 1 hydraulic fluids
(explosive, inflammable, fire-accelerating, toxic) or with corrosive fluids.
Qualification of staff
The installation, commissioning, disassembly and servicing (including
maintenance and care) require basic mechanical and hydraulic knowledge as well
as knowledge of the corresponding technical terms. In order to ensure operational
safety, these activities may therefore only be carried out by qualified skilled or
instructed persons or under the guidance of a skilled person.