RE 92076-01-B/10.2017, A4... with HS5E pilot control valve Series 3x,
Bosch Rexroth AG
1.1 Validity of the documentation
1.2 Required and supplementary documentation
1.3 Representation of information
2.5 General safety instructions
2.6 Product-specific safety instructions
2.7 Personal protective equipment
General instructions on damage to property and the product
5.2.1 Layout of the axial piston unit
5.3 Parallel and cascade control of the HS5E control system
5.3.1 Parallel control structure
5.3.2 Cascading control structure
5.3.3 Controller parameters (parallel)
5.4.1 Oil-immersed applications
5.5 Notes on selecting hydraulic fluids
5.6.1 Noise development in the unit
5.8 Description of the IndraWorks commissioning tool
5.9 Switch-on sequence of electronics/hydraulics
6.1 Transporting the axial piston unit