Installation 55/104
RE 92076-01-B/10.2017, A4... with HS5E pilot control valve/Series 3x,
Bosch Rexroth AG
7.5 Performing flushing cycle
In order to remove foreign particles from the system, Bosch Rexroth recommends a
flushing cycle for the entire system before the initial commissioning. To avoid internal
contamination, the axial piston unit must not be included in the flushing cycle.
The flushing cycle must be performed with an additional flushing unit. Follow the
instructions of the flushing unit's manufacturer for the exact procedure during the
flushing cycle.
7.6 Connecting the HS5E control system electrically
The machine or system manufacturer is responsible for the layout of the electric
For electrically controlled HS5E control systems, the electric control must be
connected correctly according to the circuit diagram of the system manufacturer.
Damage to the device due to incorrect installation is not covered by the warranty!
Switch off the power supply to the relevant system component.
Connect the HS5E control system electrically (24 V).
7.6.1 Wiring the electronic components
In general, the following applies:
– Keep the number of intermediate terminals as low as possible.
– You are not allowed to align electromagnetic sources of interference in the
immediate vicinity of the pilot valve.
– You are not allowed to route power cables in the vicinity of the pilot valve.
– Due to the application in a hydraulic environment, use only cable types that are
designated as being oil-resistant. Otherwise, hardening of the cable sheath can
result in it becoming brittle and in individual wires breaking.
– Only ever choose cables with the actual number of wires that you need (avoid
“idle” wires).
– Run the cables for the command and actual values as short as possible.
– The signal lines to the pilot valve must always be shielded. You must connect
the cable shield to ground on one side in the control cabinet.
– Strip the cable shield as short as possible and connect it according to the
information (see “Signals to the central connector” on page 97).
– The contacts on the plug-in connector must not be subjected to any mechanical
loading. This can lead to a defective connection between the mating connector
and the plug-in connector.