It is necessary to clean the exhaust
hood outside and inside (AT LEAST ONCE
A MONTH, to observe maintenance instruc
tions, as specified in this manual).
Non observance of the instructions on
the exhaust hood cleaning and filter cleaning
and replacement can cause fire.
Gas and electric kitchen stoves.
Do not use a gas oven with all burners
on at their maximum capacity longer than 15
Otherwise the exhaust hood will be overhe
ated and one can get burnt when touching it.
Besides, the exhaust hood may get broken.
If 3 gas burners are on, the exhaust hood
shall be turned on to its maximum capacity.
A big burner with the capacity higher
than 5 kWt (for example, WOK), can be
compared with 2 standard burners.
■ Never leave gas burners on without a
casserole. Adjust the flame that it does not
exceed the casserole perimeter.
Do not use or do not leave the exhaust
hood without correctly installed lights due to
possible risks of electric shock.
Manufacturer does not bear responsi
bility for damages, burn out or failure of the
equipment caused by non observance of
instructions, specified in the manual.