2005 Boreal Geothermal Inc.
MANUFACTURER warrants that the heat pumps manufactured by it
shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of (1) ONE
YEAR after the date of installation or for a period of (1) ONE YEAR AND (60)
SIXTY DAYS after the date of shipment, whichever occurs first. In addition
MANUFACTURER warrants that the compressor shall be free of defects in
materials and workmanship for an additional period of (48) FORTY-EIGHT
MONTHS from said date.
MANUFACTURER shall, at it's option repair or replace any part or parts
covered by this warranty which shall be returned to BOREAL GEOTHERMAL
INC., transportation charges prepaid, which, upon examination proves to be
defective in materials or workmanship. Replacement or repaired parts and
components are warranted only for the remaining portion of the original war-
ranty period.
This warranty is subject to the following conditions:
1. The BOREAL® heat pump must be properly installed and maintained in
accordance with Boreal Geothermal Inc.'s installation and maintenance
instruct ions.
2. The installer must complete the “
Installation Data Sheet
”, have it
endorsed by the owner and return it to MANUFACTURER within 21
days after the installation of the unit.
3. It is the responsibility of the building or general contractor to supply
temporary heat to the structure prior to occupancy. These heat pumps
are designed to provide heat only to the completely finished and
insulated structure. Start-up of the unit shall not be scheduled prior to
completion of construction and final duct installation for validation of
this warranty.
If the heat pump, manufactured by MANUFACTURER fails to conform to
this warranty, MANUFACTURER 's sole and exclusive liability shall be, at it's
option, to repair or replace any part or component which is returned by the
customer during the applicable warranty period set forth above, provided that
(1) MANUFACTURER is promptly notified in writing upon discovery by the
customer that such part or component fails to conform to this warranty. (2)
The customer returns such part or component to BOREAL GEOTHERMAL
INC., transportation charges prepaid, within (30) thirty days of failure, and (3)
Manufacturer's examination of such component shall disclose to it's satisfac-
tion that such part or component fails to meet this warranty and the alleged
defects were not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, improper in-
stallation, repair or improper testing.