2005 Boreal Geothermal Inc.
Interconnecting tubing
Once the outside loops have been installed it is necessary
to interconnect the "gas" and liquid lines of each loop coming
into the building to its corresponding line on the heat pump.
Each set of two pipes is labeled on the ACDX heat pump as
"loop 1 liquid"," loop 1 vapor", etc. depending on the tonnage
of the heat pump. The larger of the two pipes is the "gas" line
(1/2" OD) while the smaller line is the "liquid" line (3/8"
The dealer must install a 1/2" OD "gas" line from each of
the gas lines on the heat pump to the corresponding gas lines
of each ground loop. Similarly a 3/8" OD "liquid" line must
be run from each heat pump "liquid" line to the corresponding
liquid line of each ground loop.
Note that there is a transition in size from 3/8" to 1/2" as
the liquid line attaches to the ground loop stub coming into
the basement. A suitable reducing coupling can be purchased
from any refrigeration wholesaler.
The tubing used for this procedure must be refrigeration
tubing (cleaned & dehydrated) suitable for the job. Every ef-
fort must also be made to insure that the tubing does not be-
come contaminated during installation. We recommend that
caps be placed on the open ends of tubing immediately after
cuts are made and that these caps are only removed after all
bends have been made and the pipe fixed in its permanent
location ready to make the silver soldered joints. It is very
important to keep a refrigeration system perfectly clean and
dry therefore removing the caps just prior to silver soldering
will insure that the tubing is exposed for a minimal time to the
atmosphere and the associated moisture contained therein.
Insulating linesets
All tubing inside the basement must be insulated with 3/8"
wall armaflex or equivalent insulation to prevent condensa-
tion and sweating during winter operation.
Silver soldering linesets
Once all the tubing runs have been routed, insulated and
fastened in place the caps can be removed, couplings applied
(or alternately the tubing can be "swaged") and the joints sil-
ver soldered with 5% silfos. BOREAL®
absolutely requires
that dry nitrogen be bled through the system during all silver
soldering procedures so that no oxidation occurs on the inside
of the copper tubing.
Vacuuming system
When silver soldering is finished the entire system should
be pressurized to 100 psig. with dry nitrogen and all joints
made by the installer checked for leaks using soap suds or
some other technique that the installer feels comfortable with.
It is important not to bypass this step since vacuuming the
system with a leak will be impossible and attempting to do so
will introduce moisture to the system making the process take
much longer to vacuum after the leak has been found and re-
vacuum the system until the reading on an electronic vacuum
gauge stays below 500 microns for a period of 5 minutes after
the vacuum pump is shut off and the system sealed.
Charging system
Once the system has been vacuumed refrigerant can be
added by weighing in 1/3 of the prescribed refrigerant charge
into the low side of the system. Start the heat pump in the
heating mode and continue to add refrigerant as a liquid at a
rate of no more than 1 lb. per minute until the prescribed
charge is reached.
Alternately, before the machine is started, the entire
charge can be weighed into the system through the high side
schrader valve.
Hot Water Connections
Connection to the hot water generator feature of the heat
pump is accomplished by teeing into an electric or oil fired
hot water tank with a capacity of 40 gal. minimum. A typical
piping diagram is shown elsewhere in this manual. Be sure to
note the position of the check valve and the direction of water
One should be sure the tank is filled with water and is
under pressure before activating the heat pump to insure
proper lubrication of the circulator pump. Slightly loosen the
copper union on the hot water discharge pipe to allow air to
escape from the system before the unit is started. This step
will make certain that the water circulator is flooded with
water when it is started. Since the pump is water lubricated,
damage will occur to the pump if it is run dry for even a short
period. The union on the discharge water line may have to be
purged of air several times before good circulation is ob-
tained. A hand placed several feet down the line will sense
when the water is flowing.
The thermostats on the hot water tank should be set to 120
°F. since the heat pump has an internal thermostat set at a low
of 130 °F. By setting the tank thermostats as described, the
heat pump will try to keep the tank above the cut-in point of
the electric element settings thus generating hot water from
the heat pump only. During periods of high demand, the elec-
tric elements will energize to help make hot water.
Condensate Drain
You will notice in the piping diagram that there is a small
drain pipe to the left of the front door. This drain allows the
condensed water vapour which forms during the
air-conditioning cycle to escape to a suitable area of your se-
lection. On a very humid day there could be as much as 15-25
gallons of water formed. Care should be taken in the spring to
insure that this pipe is not plugged with dust that has formed
during the winter since the water formed will overflow into
the bottom of the heat pump.