2005 Boreal Geothermal Inc.
remain closed at port “G” however flow is “OPEN” between
ports “F” and “H” allowing refrigerant to be “scavenged”
from the ground loops not in use. Within a few minutes all the
liquid refrigerant in the idle cooling loops is rerouted to the
one, or more cooling loops that are in use at the time.
Being able to select the correct percentage of ground loop
to engage and scavenging the refrigerant from the idle loops
is important for several reasons:
I. It allows the to operate in both modes with one charge,
allowing us to disable most of the ground loop system
when it is cold and reintroduce it on a predetermined ba-
sis as the field warms up.
II. It allows the machine to switch from heating to cooling
mode without shut-off on it’s low pressure control since
refrigerant pressure is supplied to the intake of the com-
pressor by the idle loops while the refrigerant is being
repositioned to operate in another loop or loops.
Once the refrigerant enters the ground loop (s) it con-
denses giving up its heat and returns to its liquid state. Oil and
liquid refrigerant are swept along the underground copper
lines back to the liquid line header assembly where it flows
through the cooling check valve (s) connected to the respec-
tive liquid lines and onward towards the cooling TX valve
which meters refrigerant into the air coil as required. Liquid
cannot enter any of the other liquid lines because of the orien-
tation of the cooling check valves nor can it enter the heating
section of the liquid line header by virtue of liquid line sole-
noid valve “A” being energized (closed) while in the cooling