Voorhout • Groningen • Weert • Hoogerheide
+31(0)88 7865800
1 General Information about the Documentation
For better clarity, the documentation of the frequency inverter is structured according to the custom-
er-specific requirements.
The present document was created in German. The German document is the original document. Other
language versions are translations.
Quick Start Guide
The “Quick Start Guide” describes the basic steps required for mechanical and
electrical installation of the frequency inverter. The guided commissioning supports you in the selec-
tion of necessary parameters and the configuration of the software of the frequency inverter.
Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions document the complete functionality of the frequency inverter. The pa-
rameters required for special purposes, for adjustment to the application and the numerous additional
functions are described in detail.
Separate Operating Instructions are supplied for optional components for the frequency inverter.
These manuals complement the operating instructions and the “Quick Start Guide” for the frequency
Application manual
The application manual complements the documentation to ensure goal-directed installation and
commissioning of the frequency inverter. Information on various topics in connection with the use of
the frequency inverter is described in context with the specific application.
Installation instructions
The Installation Instructions describe the installation and use of devices, complementing the “Quick
Start Guide” and the Operating Instructions.
This document
This application manual describes the extensions of the standard software for winder applica-
Compliance with the documentation is required to ensure safe operation of the frequen-
cy inverter. BONFIGLIOLI VECTRON GmbH shall not be held liable for any damage
caused by any non-compliance with the documentation.
In case any problems occur which are not covered by the documentation sufficiently,
please contact the manufacturer.
Winding Drive
Warranty and liability
BONFIGLIOLI VECTRON GmbH would like to point out that the contents of these Operating Instruc-
tions do not form part of any previous or existing agreement, assurance or legal relationship. Neither
are they intended to supplement or replace such agreements, assurances or legal relationships. Any
obligations of the manufacturer shall solely be based on the relevant purchase agreement which also
includes the complete and solely valid warranty stipulations. These contractual warranty provisions are
neither extended nor limited by the specifications contained in this documentation.
The manufacturer reserves the right to correct or amend the specifications, product information and
omissions in these operating instructions without notice. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any
damage, injuries or costs which may be caused by the aforementioned reasons.
Furthermore, BONFIGLIOLI VECTRON GmbH excludes any warranty/liability claims for any personal
and/or material damage if such damage is due to one or more of the following causes:
inappropriate use of the frequency inverter,
non-compliance with the instructions, warnings and prohibitions contained in the documentation,
unauthorized modifications of the frequency inverter,
insufficient monitoring of parts of the machine/plant which are subject to wear,
repair work at the machine/plant not carried out properly or in time,
catastrophes by external impact and force majeure.
These Operating Instructions must be read before commissioning and complied with. Anybody en-
trusted with tasks in connection with the
installation of the frequency inverter and
operation of the frequency inverter
must have read and understood the Operating Instructions and, in particular, the safety instructions in
order to prevent personal and material losses.
In accordance with applicable law against unfair competition, these Operating Instructions shall be
considered to be a certificate. Any copyrights relating to it shall remain with
Bonfiglioli Vectron GmbH
Europark Fichtenhain B6
47807 Krefeld
These Operating Instructions are intended for the operator of the frequency inverter. Any disclosure
or copying of this document, exploitation and communication of its contents (as hardcopy or electron-
ically) shall be forbidden, unless permitted expressly.
Any non-compliance will constitute an offense against the copyright law dated 09 September 1965,
the law against unfair competition and the Civil Code and may result in claims for damages. All rights
relating to patent, utility model or design registration reserved.
The documentation form an integral part of the frequency inverter. It must be stored such that it is
accessible to operating staff at all times. If the frequency inverter is sold on to other users, then these
Operating Instructions must also be handed over.
Winding Drive