"Arm Delay"
"Arm Failed"
"Silent Alarm"
"Armed", "Arm Delay" and "Arm Failed" statuses are similarly to the
corresponding statuses of the type 4 loop as mentioned above in 5.3.1 sec-
The loop transits from “Armed” to “Silent Alarm” status in case of:
Loop breaking duration has exceed 70 ms and “Integrating 300 ms”
parameter is set off
Loop breaking duration has exceed 300 ms and “Integrating 300
ms” parameter is set on
Loop resistance has skipped more than 10% of its value, “10% De-
viation Blocking” parameter being set off
The ”Silent Alarm” status of the alarm loop influences only relays con-
trolled by the programs Alarm output 1 (10) or Alarm output 2 programs
(the relay is opening). The relays controlled by LAMP (9) and SIREN pro-
gram retain its statuses.
If “Auto Rearming when Fire/Alarm” loop parameter is set on then this
loop is automatically armed and transits from “Intrusion Alarm” to the “Arm
Delay” status after its resistance has been within normal range for 15-fold
“Fire/Alarm Delay” sec.
5.4 Auxiliary alarm application
The device allows controlling and transmitting to the net controller the
status information of various auxiliary circuits not dealing with burglary or
fire alarming, for example, fire auto extinguishing system blocking vehicles
contacts, mass, flow, temperature or pressure detectors, throttle valves
and so on. The types 6 and 12 alarm loops can be used for this purposes.
These loops cannot be armed or disarmed. They are permanently moni-
tored by the device.
5.4.1 Type 6 auxiliary alarm loops
Type 6 auxiliary alarm loops can be in one of the two possible
statuses which are “Aux Zone Alarm” and “Aux Zone Restore”. The loop
transits from “Aux Zone Restore” to the “Aux Zone Alarm” status if the
breaking time has exceeded 300 ms.
The reverse transition from “Aux Zone Alarm” into “Aux Zone Re-
store” status takes place automatically when loop resistance has come into
the normal range for more then “Arming Delay” period.
Following are the executive programs which are blocked in case of
auxiliary loop breaking:
general purpose programs 1…8