The diagram of connection burglary detector with tamper check to the
type 5 alarm loop is contained into the Appendix E.
The type 6 is the auxiliary alarm loop
The auxiliary alarm loop is intended to control the status, actuations
and operability of extinguishing equipment and to control the detectors or
other equipment independent from burglary or fire alarming. The detectors
or devices with “dry contact” output (normally opened or closed), or with
“open collector” output are included in alarm loop of this type.
The alarm loop statuses can be:
“Aux Zone Alarm”;
“Aux Zone Restore”.
If the alarm loop resistance has come out of 2…6 kOhm range for
more than 300 ms the loop has entered the “Aux Zone Alarm” status. The
loop resistance having been within 2…6 kOhm range for more than “Arm-
ing Delay” sec, the loop enters the “Aux Zone Restore” status.
The auxiliary alarm loop is impossible to disarm, it is monitored per-
manently. Having received the arming/disarming command the device
generates the current loop status message.
Alarm loop status having been changed, the corresponding mes-
sages are sent to the net controller (S2000/S2000-M console or ARM
Orion). These messages are not storied in nonvolatile device memory. So if
during net controller disconnection several status changes had occurred
then when connection has recovered either only one message would be
sent to the net controller or no messages would be sent if the current
status is equal the last sent one.
Auxiliary alarm loop being associated with a relay, its failure blocks
up the switching of relays assigning to the 1-8 (general purpose), 11
(ASPT), 12 (Siren), 33 (ASPT-1), 34 (ASPT-A) and 35 (ASPT-A1) pro-
grams (see Table 5). This feature can be used, for example, in order to
block the automatically starting of a gas fire extinguishing system if the
door to the protected premises is opened.
The compatibility of loop resistance and the corresponding status can
be shown at the Table 3.
The connection of normally opened or normally closed detectors and
other controlled “dry contact” circuits to the type 6 alarm loop is identical to
the connection of burglary detectors to type 4 loop (see Appendix E).
The type 7 is the entering alarm loop
All types of burglary detectors including opening or closing, power-
less or power supplied via alarm loop or separately are to be connected to
the type 7 alarm loop.
The alarm loop statuses can be: