20 Arming
The parameter "
Arming Delay
" defines the number of seconds you
want the device to wait before arming the alarm loop after having received
the corresponding command. Nonzero "Arming Delay" is normally used for
entering alarm loop when after entering arming command it should be pos-
sible for some time to break this loop without alarm going off. If before loop
arming it is necessary to switch relay on (the executive program 17 “Turn
on for a given time before arming”) then the “Arming delay” loop parameter
has to be set to a nonzero value. Otherwise the relay will not switch on be-
cause of the switching time for this program must not exceed the “Arming
delay” loop parameter. Intrusion/Fire
For entering alarm loop (type 7) the “
Intrusion/Fire Delay
” parameter
means the transition delay from “Entry Alarm” to “Intrusion Alarm” status
and is considered as “entering duration”. “Intrusion/Fire Delay” is given to
make it possible to disarm alarm loop after entering loop breaking.
For entering alarm loop (types 1, 2, 3) the “Intrusion/Fire Delay” pa-
rameter means the period of loop transition from “Fire prealarm” to “Fire
alarm” status. Alarm loops with double actuation recognition (types 1 and
3) can transit to the “Fire alarm” status when second fire detector in this
loop has actuated. If “Intrusion/Fire Delay” is set to 255 s it means unlim-
ited delay when the device does not enter to the “Fire Prealarm” status due
to the time conditions. In this case type 1 or 3 alarm loop can enter the
“Fire Alarm” status only together with second loop detector actuation, but
type 2 alarm loop can not enter the “Fire Alarm” status under any condi-
tions. Loop Analysis Delay after Reset
If the resistance of arming loop is less than lower threshold, for ex-
ample, as a result of smoke fire detector having actuated, then the device
automatically reset alarm loop shutting off its power voltage for 3 s. The
Loop Analysis Delay after Reset
” parameter for any type loop is the du-
ration of pause after power shutting off before loop status analysis. This
delay allows including the detectors with long warm-up time (or long read-
ing time) in the alarm loop. If the loop power supplied detectors enters to
the operating mode (and requires higher current consumption) during long
time after loop resetting then it is necessary to set the “Loop Analysis De-
lay After Reset” parameter to the value just over maximum warm-up time of
loop included detectors.
The minimum operating delay amounts to 1 s. The value of “Loop
Analysis Delay After Reset” parameter can vary from 1 up to 63 s.