4.0 Cutting Technique
BOC Smoothcut Plasma 40 Operating manual
Diagram 1
4.1 Cutting
As a general rule for cutting amperages below 40 A the cutting tip can
be dragged on the cutting surface. Higher amperages require a stand‑
off distance and torch manufacturers normally supply a stand‑off guide
or ‘drag shield’. Some operators prefer to use an extended electrode
to improve visibility when cutting. BOC supplies guides that can be
purchased to assist in straight line, circular and bevel cutting.
For straight edge cutting the torch should be held at a 90° angle to the
plate and dragged along the plate (Refer to Diagram 1). The cutting
speed will depend on the material thickness, amperage and airflow rate.
For bevel cutting the torch should be angled on the plate to the required
bevel angle and dragged on the plate surface. (Note that the bevel angle
will influence the material thickness).
Typical Plasma Cutting Guide Kit
Cutting Direction
24799 Smoothcut Plasma 40 OP Manual CC D7.indd 10
16/04/2014 1:00 pm