© BlueView Technologies Corp
BlueView BV5000 User Handbook
Sonar mounted upside down.
Figure 1 shows a normal scan, and Figure 2 shows the same scan with the
sonar upside down. When mounted upside down, the overlapping scans do not
overlay properly and a spherical smearing affect appears.
To adjust the settings on a deployed system, or re-process a rotational scan
acquired with the sonar in an upside down configuration:
Open the File
Orientation dialog.
Check the “Invert Beam Angles” checkbox and click the “Save” button.
For post processing
Open the rotational scan file and perform a playback scan (see the ProScan
manual for more details).
When playback is complete, new and corrected XYZ and OFF files will be
created in the directory of the .SON file.
Sonar is not mounted vertical in Pan/Tilt mount.
As the system scans a scene, the software assumes the sonar is mounted in the
vertical orientation. If the head is actually twisted in the mount, the 3D data
collected for each horizontal scan will not align properly. A jagged step along
vertical structures on overlapping scans would be visible in this case. To resolve
the problem, readjust the sonar in its mount.