© BlueView Technologies Corp
BlueView BV5000 User Handbook
Scan Intensity Files (.son)
A .SON file is output for each of the individual scans in a Spherical Scan. When
the Spherical Scan is completed, the individual files will be combined into a single
.SON file. The combined file will have the name entered in the "Merge File Name"
field with a suffix of "_complete" automatically appended. If no filename was
entered in the field, then the name of the first scan will be used. The individual
.SON files and 3D Point Cloud files will also be renamed with that name, but with
their tilt angle appended.
3D Point Cloud Files (.xyz & .off)
As descried above, .SON files are automatically created during scans. 3D Point
Cloud files are also created automatically, with the same names as the .SON file.
Two kinds of 3D Point Cloud files are created: XYZ files, with the extension “.xyz”,
and OFF files, with the extension “.off”.
Both kinds of 3D Point Cloud files are in ASCII format and represent 3D points
using X, Y, and Z coordinates. The X and Y values are in meters from the sonar
and are laid out on a Cartesian grid with the sonar at the origin (X = 0, Y = 0).
The Z values that are higher (shallower) than the sonar have positive values, and
Z values lower (deeper) than the sonar have negative values. If a depth value is
provided as described in the Geo-referencing section below, then Z values deeper
than the water surface have negative values, effectively moving the origin to the