St John’s Innovation Centre Cowley
Road Cambridge CB4 0WS United Kingdom
+44 (0)1223 420 252
Connecting 2 Discovery boards - Steps
You can connect 2 BC111 modules and allow them to communicate using 2 Discovery boards. To do so,
please follow the steps below.
Step1: Set up each board connecting to a separate PC as is explained in the section titled "Setting up the
Board - Steps".
Step2: Once both are set up, connect the two devices by pressing on one board on the Peripheral button (will
connect as Slave) and on the other board on the Centre button (will connect as Master). The two devices will
be connected and the Leds will stop flickering - the in the Master board the blue Led will be lit and on the
Slave the green Led will be lit.
Now you can send messages from one board to another using the HyperTerminal programs on each
Messages from one board
Sending and then receiving
Messages from the second board
Receiving and then sending