St John’s Innovation Centre Cowley
Road Cambridge CB4 0WS United Kingdom
+44 (0)1223 420 252
If your board does not seem to work, please check the points below which are the most common problems
encountered. If you are still having issues, please contact
1) POWER PROBLEMS: Check that the board is Turned ON. When you plug in the USB, the LEDs
should light up (ON) or flicker (ON and Advertising), indicating that the board is Turned ON.
2) FTDI DRIVERS: The PC usually automatically installs the USB FTDI Drivers when you first plug in the
board. If the Drivers are not successfully installed, unplug the board; delete any drivers that you have
previously installed. Then make sure you have an internet connection and re-plug the board. If this still
does not work, try and plug the board on a different USB port. If this still does not work, you can
bypass by using a USB/UART Cable and connecting directly to the RS232 port. You will need to set
Switch1 to Low. Refer to FTDI Trouble Shooting section
3) UART SETTINGS: The UART communication will happen with the parameters described at the
beginning of this manual. Please check that you have the right UART settings
4) BLUETOOTH COMMUNICATION: If you want to connect to your board, make sure that the module is
ADVERTISING. When you type STATUS in the command line the module should return
’. If this is not the case, please type in ‘
’. Refer to the Melody
Smart manual
for more options